The Owner & Administrator

Shauna Tharpe MSN, RN

Owner & Administrator, Shauna Tharpe, pictured on Christmas Day with son and daughter, Zachariah & Aniyah

The owner and administrator of Serenity Falls Family Home Care has been a Registered Nurse for 10 years, spending the majority of that time working with the elderly population. She has worked as a hospice nurse for the past 6 years and understands that quality of life and quality care are essential. She has a Master’s degree in nursing with an emphasis on leadership in healthcare. She is also a certified hospice and palliative care nurse. She is licensed by the State of North Carolina as a family care home administrator.

She is the mother of twins and not only enjoys caring for them but for others as well, which is why she became a nurse. She first learned about family care homes when working with hospice admissions. She was amazed by the difference in care provided there versus the care provided in large facilities in the area and wanted to provide more opportunities for people to receive this type of care.

Owner & Administrator, Shauna Tharpe, pictured alongside her late grandmother, Martha Tharpe